Pagan Invasion: 1990s Anti-Halloween VHS!

Pagan Invasion: 1990s Anti-Halloween VHS!

Apparently in the early 1990s there was a series of Christian VHS tapes that would passed around and sold in Christian book stores under the title Pagan Invasion. This series of videos highlighted the evils of the modern world, tying literally everything to Satan. In the video I am going to share with you tonight their target is, of course, Halloween. Sure it looks sweet an innocent on the surface, little kids getting candy and having some harmless fun, but when you really look at what's going on you can see that our children are being conditioned to accept a world where occultism and human sacrifice reign supreme!

According to the filmmakers, pornography and horror are the two most popular forms of entertainment in the United States and Halloween is a time in which these evils are celebrated!

I could go on about this crap forever, so instead of reading one of my rants just watch this amazing piece of garbage and see for yourself. I hope you enjoy CGI that is on par with the Money for Nothing music video.

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