I have done some housekeeping around the site today. Tidied up the main menu, renamed this blog to "Site Updates" as that's what it's been for a few years, and posted a link to my personal blog. Oh, and I also updated the Video Store for the first time in a while with a video from JCPenney in the 90s with career planning advice.
Hello, friends.
My next release will be coming out on Friday, April 5th.
It is titled "The Maze"
This is the track list:
1. The Start
2. The Labyrinth
3. The Overpass
4. The Solution
See you all then.
Hey, everyone. I've launched Overlevel, a blog where I write about RPG and RPG-like games. If you're interested in what I've been upto, please check it out. There's also a secret page on there that is kinda in-line with Up All Night.
I also released my last album on the major streaming platforms, a first for me. here is the link to The Exquisite Ugliness of Returning to Consciousness on Spotify if you're into that.
I miss this place quite a bit.
I made a linktree-like website for myself and all my shit around the internet. Here it is if you are interested for whatever reason.
"The Exquisite Ugliness of Returning to Consciousness" is out now on Bandcamp and can be found embedded on index2. I have had the idea for this album for at least two years and I'm excited to see it go out into the world. Thanks for everything.
My interview with RetroRealm is now live. Go check it out. Everything is fine.
I am announcing that my next album, titled "The Exquisite Ugliness of Returning to Consciousness," will be releasing on June 9, 2023. I hope you will enjoy it.
The legendary nostalgia-focused publication RetroRealm, a site that focuses on all sorts of retro-themed subjects, is going to be interviewing me about the latest developments in the progress towards finishing my upcoming album. Please check out their website and be on the lookout for this interview!
Dear Readers,
We want to assure you that the issues plaguing our website have been resolved. Everything is functioning smoothly now, and there is no cause for concern.
However, it is worth mentioning that during the recent disruptions, we stumbled upon unsettling remnants of the past. They were peculiar, disconcerting, and appeared to have a mind of their own. Rest assured, our team has thoroughly addressed these anomalies and sealed their existence away from our digital realm.
You may find certain remnants of the unsettling nature lingering in faded corners of our archives, but we assure you they pose no threat. Our website is now a safer space, devoid of any disquieting elements that may have infiltrated it.
We understand that unsettling occurrences can leave a lasting impression, but please trust that our commitment to your online experience remains unwavering. We have reinforced our digital fortress, raising the walls of security to unprecedented levels. As you traverse our virtual domain, we want you to feel at ease, confident in the reliability and safety of our platform.
Remember, the unsettling echoes of the past are merely remnants, distant memories fading into the recesses of our digital landscape. Embrace the reassurance that our website now offers, and rest assured that your browsing experience will be smooth, seamless, and undeniably tranquil.
Thank you for your continued support and trust in our platform. We look forward to guiding you through a serene and engaging journey on our revitalized website.
Yours unwaveringly,
The Up All Night Team
there seem to be some weird glitches on this site. im sorry, everyone. ill get to work on cleaning all this up.
My first music release in over a year is out. I have always wanted to make a Christmas album, so here it is. It is titled Family Christmas Photos (1988 - 2002). I hope you enjoy it. Check it out.
I decided to revert my home page back to an older design. I started feeling like the page itself was getting too bloated and there wasn't a lot of focus. Now it's back to basics, focusing on links to the actual content and not bombarding you with information. Any feedback is appreciated.
A quick update. I am almost finished with a new album that should be releasing in the coming weeks. I hope you'll enjoy it. Also, I have been active on Tumblr again lately, if you want to check out my weirdness on there. Check it out.
It just hit me that I crossed the five year mark since the launch of this website. It makes me happy that there people who enjoy the work that I curate and put out into the world. I do feel guilty that I am not updating as frequently as I would like, but I guess that's life. I have different projects that I have chipped away at, but I get distracted easily with other ideas or just keeping up with life in general. Regardless, I am so thankful for everyone that comes to this site and enjoys the labyrinth of random stuff that fills up this space.
Here's to five more years. By the way, the Video Store has a new entry. Check it out if you're .
<>9.21.22I am tired all the time. I also have some updates coming to the Video Store in a few days. Zzzzzzz.
I have made a video game. It is awful, but it was important to me to push something out as it's the primary way I will improve. It is called Nine Miles Down. It is a short PS1-style spooky walkabout game. You can play it directly in your browser or download it for Windows. Don't forget your flashlight. Here is the itch.io page.
I should have something fun from a new venture to show you all in the coming weeks. It's nice to work on something and see something come from it. I'm pretty bad about starting a million different projects and never finishing them.
New entry to the video store. This time it is an 80s or 90s employee training video at the Cedar Point amusement park in Ohio, one of my favorite parks growing up.
Hope you're all doing well. Apologies for the radio silence. As of right now, I am currently working on a project that is dramatically different from what I have been doing here at Up All Night. It is taking pretty much all of my free time to work on it, of which I don't have much to begin with. I will probably not be updating this page much while working on it. I'll still be checking in on occasion, but it will be much less frequent. Take care.
This week has had my mind all over the place. I've been reading a translation of Bardo Thodol or, The Tibetan Book of the Dead. Here are some excerpts on the section about what occurs after death.
"O nobly-born, the possessor of that sort of body will see places [familiarly known on the earth-plane] and relatives [there] as one seeth another in dreams."
"Thou seest thy relatives and connexions and speakest to them, but receivest no reply. Then, seeing them and thy family weeping, thou thinkest, 'I am dead! What shall I do?' and feelest great misery, just like a fish cast out [of water] on red-hot embers. Such misery thou wilt be experiencing at present. But feeling miserable will avail thee nothing now." "O nobly-born, when thou art driven [hither and thither] by the ever-moving wind of karma, thine intellect, having no object upon which to rest, will be like a feather tossed about by the wind, riding on the horse of breath. Ceaselessly and involuntarily wilt thou be wandering about. To all those who are weeping [thou wilt say], 'Here I am; weep not.' But they not hearing thee, thou wilt think, 'I am dead!' And again, at that time, thou wilt be feeling very miserable. Be not miserable in that way."
"But that class of neutral beings who have neither earned merit nor created bad karma will experience neither pleasure nor pain, but a sort of colourless stupidity of indifference."
"O nobly-born, at that time, at bridge-heads, in temples, by stūpas of eight kinds, thou wilt rest a little while, but thou wilt not be able to remain there very long, for thine intellect hath been separated from thine [earth-plane] body. Because of this inability to loiter, thou oft-times wilt feel perturbed and vexed and panic-stricken. At times, thy Knower will be dim; at times, fleeting and incoherent. Thereupon this thought will occur to thee, 'Alas! I am dead! What shall I do?' and because of such thought the Knower will become saddened and the heart chilled, and thou wilt experience infinite misery of sorrow. Since thou canst not rest in any one place, and feel impelled to go on, think not of various things, but allow the intellect to abide in its own [unmodified] state."
"As to food, only that which hath been dedicated to thee can be partaken of by thee, and no other food. As to friends at this time, there will be no certainty. These are the indications of the wandering about on the Sidpa Bardo of the mental-body. At the time, happiness and misery will depend upon karma."
"Thou wilt see thine own home, the attendants, relatives, and the corpse, and think, 'Now I am dead! What shall I do?' and being oppressed with intense sorrow, the thought will occur to thee, 'O what would I not give to possess a body!' And so thinking, thou wilt be wandering hither and thither seeking a body."
"Even though thou couldst enter thy dead body nine times over -- owing to the long interval which thou hast passed in the Chönyid Bardo -- it will have been frozen if in winter, been decomposed if in summer, or, otherwise, thy relatives will have cremated it, or interred it, or thrown it into the water, or given it to the birds and beasts of pray. Wherefore finding no place for thyself to enter into, thou wilt be dissatisfied and have the sensation of being squeezed into cracks and crevices amidst rocks and boulders. The experiencing of this sort of misery occurs in the Intermediate State when seeking rebirth. Even though thou seekest a body, thou wilt gain nothing but trouble. Put aside the desire for a body; and permit thy mind to abide in the state of resignation, and act so as to abide therein. By thus being set face to face, one obtaineth liberation from the Bardo."
What an awful week. I'll get back to updating soon.
New entry in the Video Store. Also, added a page that I'll let speak for itself to the home page. Going to tidy it up in the near future.
Happy Monday. As if I haven't put enough embarrassing material on this website from my past, here is a piece of writing I penned in 1995 I believe. I kept the spelling and grammar as-is to ensure it stays true to the source.
"The little girl and Boy were lost"
"a little Boy and girl were lost in the dark woods. They seen a moose. The moose hits them in the rear end. They fly in the air and fell in a hole it took them 5 ours To get out. then they eats a deer. They burped louder than a gun! Then they hear a loud roaring noise it was a bear! They ran and ran and ran. Then The U.S Navy killed the bear. Then they go behind a tree and kissed for 5 minutes straight. The whole Navy group looked and said weird! The End"
We are living in hell. I absolutely loathe the modern tech/entertainment landscape. Every single thing has to be branded and cross promote with everything else. Everything has to be some variation of a "cinematic universe." We are moving further into it with an NFT/"metaverse"/crypto waking nightmare where you live in a virtual space and you exist to be advertised to.
Put on your headset. Open your favorite game where all your friends are. Buy the season pass to get access to a virtual chain restaurant. Go visit a virtual chain restaurant in the game. Get a coupon to use at the meatspace version of the restaurant for a free adult drink with a kid's meal purchase. The cross promotional toy this month is the newest movie that blends in 40 other movies into one for some cool cameos. Your free drink has a code for a free digital item in another video game.
Make it stop.
Where was I? Oh yes, the latest example of this is special brand of misery is a cross promotion between Radiohead and Fortnite. Now one of my favorite albums, Kid A, is disposable content for a game primarily marketed to kids. Make it go away.
Yesterday I launched a brand new version of my home page, the most significant redesign of the website in a few years. The website had become more and more cluttered using the old one column, centered layout. This presents the same amount of information in a way that's much more tolerable. I'll probably tinker with it here and there, but this is the layout I'll be using for the forseeable future. I'm excited to keep pushing forward with the site.
I have decided that since I likely won't be working on any music projects for a bit that I would collect everything I released from 2018 until 2021 into one big file if anyone was interested. The albums are free to download on Bandcamp already, but here is my entire discography in one zip file.
These past few days have been pretty awful. Trying to distract myself by watching old video game promotional VHS tapes. I've added one about the TurboGrafx 16 to the Video Store if you're interested.
Lots of activity IRL has kept me away from my side projects. I'm still in the development phase of my video project, which has turned out to be much bigger than I had initially planned. I do have a surgery scheduled for next week so it's likely that I'll have some free time in the coming weeks to work on stuff lol.
Of course, by "later this evening" I actually meant "in two days." Check out a weird late 90s or early 2000s Travel Channel documentary about Loretta Lynn's home being haunted in the Video Store. Happy Halloween.
Kill the "metaverse." It's time for me to sink myself further into communities like this one because the internet is being ruined by a couple of large companies. Look for a new addition to the Video Store later this evening.
Some big updates for the website today.
1.) I finally decided to purchse a domain for this website, so you can now find Up All Night at http://upallnight.wtf. I shouldn't be allowed to have money.
2.) I have completely restructed how video entries are presented on this website. Instead of having multiple pages with conflicting/confusing styles, often with dead YouTube embeds, we now have one cohesive page that acts as a portal to access everything. That page is titled "The Video Store." I am now relying on the Internet Archive for hosting the videos, because I have too often seen videos disappear from YouTube. Take your time and lose yourself in some bizarre old media.
I will update this space as I make further changes to the main page and try to tidy things up a bit more. As I've expanded into other areas of creative output this site has lost some of its focus, so one of my main projects currently is regaining that focus. The Video Store is the first step in that process.
For the first time in a long time, I have a lot of ideas swimming around in my head. I am well into the development of a few of them, and others are just beginning to form. I feel motivated to push myself and elevate the work that I am putting out into the world. Keep an eye out.
The people have spoken. They have told me that they need more Geraldo Rivera in their lives and I'm here to give it to them. Head over to Spooky Central and check out his ridiculous 2 hour special that is peak Satanic Panic. It has the commercials in tact, also!
I know I've been bouncing around between various projects over the past few weeks and have had trouble kind of focusing on where I want my output to go. Right now I am working on my first original video production since probably 2005? I feel like in my head it will be a space where I can converge my music and my interest in old internet/old media into one product. We'll see how this first attempt goes. Be on the lookout for that.
Created another new page on index2 titled "Paranormal Experiences." I have had several weird experiences throughout my life that I cannot explain and I will begin to collect them all over there. I also did some slight reorganization on the main menu since this website continues to evolve in what I'm doing with it. Check it out.
While most people get into horror movies in the build up to Halloween, I'm falling down a wormhole of old cable documentaries about ghosts and cryptids. I shared a random 90s TLC documentary about ghost stories on the Spooky Central page. Keep an eye out on the page for more.
A couple of things. First, I released a new album over the past weekend. It is titled "Death at the Primrose" and tells the story of a bar in rural America where something isn't quite right. It is embedded in the main page and you can find it on my Bandcamp.
Also on the main page you will now find a link to an anthology film composed of projects that my friends and I made in the early 2000s. This website has become a mishmash of many different things, from old media preservation, to a collection of my writings as a teenager, to my newer art/music, I figured this would be at home here. It is 160 minutes long, but please don't try to watch it all at once so you aren't bored to death. In the description of the video on YouTube you will find chapter markers, so please take advantage of those. Enjoy.
Long time no see.
I have added some more content that's been DMCA'd from YouTube to the Up All Night Internet Archive collection. If you come across any dead links or YouTube clips, head over to that page and you should find it there.
Hey everyone,
I am in the beginning stages of working on new material. In the meantime, for the entire month of June I will donate 100% of what I receive from Bandcamp sales to the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund to aid in the fight against systemic racism. Thanks for your support.
I finally have ordered a computer. Should be back at it soon.
Many moving pieces. Most of them are good things. I haven't forgotten about you all. Writing code on a phone still sucks.
There are stories that I want to tell.
So IRL things combined with my video card on my PC crapping out has pretty much brought my music and website work to a halt. I'll be buying a new PC in the coming weeks so I should be up and running again after the new year. Writing code on a phone sucks.
I'm having fun watching, collecting and sharing old paranormal/spooky TV content. I've got a bunch of other obscure, weird things to post so keep an eye out on that section.
A new section of the website has been published in honor of the upcoming Halloween season: Spooky Central! When I first started this website over two years ago the main focus was on spooky content of sorts from the past. I want this section to focus on that, it features things I've shared previously as well as new stuff as I add it. I've added some new GIFs to the spooky gif collection. Check it out here!
I've added something new to the main page. Moving forward, anything I add to the infomercial, training or video game promo pages will be backed up and archived on the Internet Archive! YouTube is great for watching things but things get inexplicably taken down and there's no guarantee that it will pop up elsewhere. I've had a few things I've posted here get taken down so while I'll still embed YouTube videos, everything is now living on the Internet Archive where it will stay and not be at as great a risk of being removed. Also, everything is in a nice playlist format so if you want to watch hours of the videos I've shared here without moving, now's your chance! Check it out here.
I've let things fall into disrepair here. I'm sorry. I've been sorting things out personally and recalibrating my creative output. This website deserves more attention than what I've given it. I'm still working on music and I have an idea for a fictional piece of writing that I've been fleshing out. I'll probably use this website to publish it if I let myself finish it.
The response to my music has been much stronger than I ever expected. The fact that there are people who have consumed something I created and paid real money for it is moving to me. Of course, you can enjoy it all you want for free, as well. I just hope that the work I do connects with others.
I have to keep going. I can't let my brain drag me down.
In 1999 WWE bought a casino and planned to make it themed around wrestling. Here's a bizarre concept video for it. I want to eat at Vince's Steakhouse after losing most of my money on D'lo Brown slot machines.
Writing and editing code using a Steam Controller is weird.
Pondering on how I want to continue expressing myself. Should I care what people think? Is any of it good? Does it matter?
Curry was a bad idea.
I'm listening to old Coast to Coast AM episodes while tinkering away at my next project. I've thought about doing a tribute-style page to 90s paranormal media. We'll see. In the mean time, enjoy this update.
I want to start to use this more. I'm always working on stuff, may as well document it or just share random thoughts.
I feel kind of guilty that I've not given as much attention to the website as I should. I always have lots of content and bizarre stuff to share on top of what’s already here, but I know I could do more. I also feel somewhat guilty that the thing that is taking my energy is pretty different from what the site started out as. To be fair, thematically it fits with the type of stuff I have always been into so it's not that out there but it is naturally going to take away resources from the rest of the site. It's mine, anyway, so whatevs.
At the end of the day I'm just glad I've found something to keep me engaged in being creative as I get older and entrenched in family and work responsibilities. I think it helps keep me sane to have some type of outlet.
I'm almost done with my next vapor wave project. I think it'll be ready sometime next week.
I haven't been around in over a month. It makes me sad, but the past month and a half has been one of the busiest and craziest periods of my life so far. I've hardly had time to breathe. I am 2 days into a 4 day weekend. Let's see if I can overcome my desire to do nothing besides watch JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and put something together.
Just ordered one of these beauties from Amazon that they amazingly have never stopped production on:
Last night I posted two full years of blog posts from the years 2003 and 2004, which covers a good chunk of my high school years. I changed a lot of names and made some small edits, but for the most part it is what it is. Read my bad reviews of movies and video games of the era. Read about my class-by-class account of my day at school. Read my results from copy/paste surveys. Probably isn't something a lot of people will get much out of, but I thought it was fun to browse through the lens of looking at pop culture from the time. I also probably should've been on antidepressants then. If only I could communicate with my younger self...
Driving around listening to The Used like it's 2004.
For years I've taken screenshots of just about every old school game that I play. They're pretty high quality and I'm almost always using some type of shader, so I thought that I could start sharing them here. Hopefully someone gets some enjoyment out of them.
So I kind of misfired on the Kids Club retro game thing, so I went ahead and took it down because it wasn't going to go anywhere. I have other ideas floating around, so I'll keep chipping away at those.
Another tape has been found. I don't know what to make of this website http://thetapes.neocities.org
Updates! New Nintendo promo VHS and store training videos!
I pretty much want to do nothing besides watch Just Say No-era PSAs but grown up responsibilities keep pulling me away. Can we add a few extra hours to the clock?
I had a dream that my family and I took a ferry to Ireland and for some reason we were taking our car. The ferry crashed on an island and we were stuck there for several days. Shortly after crash landing on this island that seemed remote we discovered it had nice tourist-y things such as hotels and restaurants. We decided that this crash was done intentionally so we would spend money at this other place. A few days later they fixed the boat and we left. I guess the moral of the story is you shouldn't try to drive your car across the Atlantic Ocean.
I need a nap.
One of these I'd like to get back to writing more long form stuff. Until a lot more free time magically materializes I'm pretty content with the content-focused format I have going.
Added an entirely new section to the website, one dedicated to old video game promotional VHS tapes, commercials, news stories and whatever else loosely alligns with that. Check it out!
Really excited about crossing 10,000 views. I genuinely love the Neocities community.
To celebrate, here's a screenshot I found of my PC desktop circa 2003. It really whips the llama's ass.
Added a page for links to share. I'll probably have a section for outside links and another section for Neocities pages I enjoy.
I am thinking of doing a standalone thing related to Toys R Us, but I thought I'd go ahead and share this glorious sweepstakes that was going on in the fall of 1996 on their website.
I can't wait for my real fancy limo ride from the Best Western.
Who am I kidding? This trip would've been god-tier for me at the time, even if it doesn't seem to have many Space Jam related things going on outside of the Tune Squad uniform.
Why, hello there, anxiety. Pleasure to see you again.
I recently discovered a true crime docu-series about unsolved murders/missing persons cases that focuses on my home state of West Virginia. It's really well made and worth your time if you're into that subject. Check it out!
I only take up a little of the collapsing space
I better cut this off
Don't wanna fuck it up
Real Google Search history: "los lonely boys taco bell."
I went to a mall today that I hadn't been to in years. Literally half of the storefronts in the building are empty now. Malls may not serve much of a purpose in 2018 but they were pretty important to American culture for a while for a number of reasons. It's sad to see them die off even if I've contributed to their decline. I took some pictures. Maybe I'll post them.
Made a lot of small updates. Redesigned index2, added a new page dedicated to work training/safety videos and cleaned up the page that lists all of my articles/posts from the site. Hope you enjoy!
I'm having fun with this site again. What I want it to become is slowly starting to come together. Love this community.
---Over the past day or so I've become obsessed with the 1988 Super Bowl commercial from Pontiac, highlighting their vehicles hitting the market at the time. It's two full minutes of one of the best ad jingles in history. Go watch it now so it can get stuck in your head. I wish jingles were still a thing.
I decided to go to the official website for the Hulk Hogan Ultimate Grill that is pasted at the bottom of the screen for most of the infomercial. Since the product is dead, the website has died along with it. Don't worry, though, someone bought the URL and has created a fan site for the product. Yes, a mediocre grill made by a retired pro wrestler that was only around for like a year has at least one fan that cared enough to buy a domain and create a website to memorialize it. God bless the human race. Check out this beautiful creation yourself.
Being a grown up sucks. That must be why I spend my free time watching Hulk Hogan shill shitty appliances.
I put up a page where I'll randomly share full infomercials that entertain me. I don't know what it is about them that draws me in, but they make me feel comfortable and happy and with cable TV dying in popularity I feel like they will become obscure in the future. I know the page is ugly at the moment, but I kind of like it. I'll probably make it look better in the future. Probably.
Moving forward I think I'm going to just focus on sharing evergreen content that doesn't hold me to any sort of posting schedule. It's cathartic to get on here and write in my shitty code and to have an outlet for all of the weird nostalgic stuff that normal people would be confused by.
Time to start working on some long-planned projects here. I don't know how successful they will be, but may as well give them a go. First step of that is to move my old micro/mini blog over to the main part of Up All Night instead of operating it as its own standalone website.
Blame Super Mario Odyssey for a lack of updates across all of my sites.
Who wants to go to work for me? All I want to do is write about Power Rangers.
It sure would be nice to make it through 30 minutes of television without passing out in the recliner literally every night...
Though I always keep up with WWE I don't always watch every weekly show they put on. That's about 7 hours of weekly TV, then when you add PPVs it can get overwhelming. I do think the ending of Raw last night was ridiculous and fun as hell and worth checking out. Hopefully the build to Survivor Series can keep up the momentum. Watch it here.
With Halloween approaching, I thought it appropriate to share an excellent spoooooky playlist curated by one of my friends. It has everything from Type O Negative, Gorillaz, Rockwell, Rob Zombie, and Slayer to gospel music and songs by Crispen Glover. It has some of the usual Halloween hits (think Thriller and the Ghostbusters theme), but it is mostly comprised of deep cuts and shows that genuine thought was put into it. Listen to it if you're in the mood to git scurrred.
Rick walked outside. He could tell a storm was coming. The air was very still, and the cows were lying down. Then a puff of a breeze blew the dust at Rick's feet. The smell of wet dirt reached Rick's nose. Five miles off, the tip of a cloud rose up from behind a high hill. Rick shaded his eyes against the sun and looked down the road. There was still no sign of his brother's truck.